Pick up a copy of the Fall Old Port Magazine for an overview of the condo projects happening in Portland’s East End, including 118 on Munjoy Hill. The Hill has been a longtime home, revisited and discovered anew—by people from all walks of life.
“Indeed, Munjoy Hill is the kind of place that transcends the details of physical address or the passage of time. Even as years pass and storefronts change, there is this enduring captivating quality about the neighborhood fabric that wedges a place into people’s hearts and creates a magnetic pull. It ignites effusive enthusiasm.”
Susan Morris and Chip Newell are not only the developers of 118 on Munjoy Hill but also plan to call it home. They have taken their decades of experience in condo living and incorporated their knowledge into a “Best of” design. Choosing to live on the Hill is a common theme in the article. John Ryan of Wright-Ryan and David Lloyd of Archetype, both on the 118 team, live on the Hill as does Peter Bass who is developing Marquis Lofts. These four demonstrate the appeal of Munjoy Hill and also the increasing demand for condos.
“Observers say that with the steady growth of Portland’s professional sector, the influx of baby boomers, and the city’s national reputation as a great place to live, supply and demand are in balance for now. ‘I think the underlying factors shaping the Portland market do not suggest that demand will fall off any time soon—barring any sort of national economic disaster,’ says Charles S. Colgan, professor of public policy and management at the University of Southern Maine.”
For the full article, pick up a copy of the magazine or visit Condo Calling: New developments on the rise in the East End